Better late then never!

Can’t believe that 2013 is coming to a close in just 29 hours. Where has the time gone? In some respects, I feel like this year just started, but in others, it feels like a decade since I was spending my last 2 weeks in San Francisco.

These past couple of weeks have been busy! For one, I FINALLY received my PIN registration in the UK, meaning that I can be a nurse here! Woo Hoo! It only took 21 months, but again, better late then never!



Sporting the dark purple!

Sporting the dark purple!

It has been nice getting back into nursing! It is a bit like what I imagine stepping onto Mars is like to be a nurse at The Harley Street Clinic compared to UCSF , but I am learning loads!


Em took me away to a couple of surprise destinations in the last couple of weeks. We went to Amsterdam and then to Edinburgh. It is so much fun to be so close to all of Europe. We are hoping to be doing lots of short weekends away in the coming years!

My sister Gabrielle and her boyfriend Jack came out to visit for 10 days as well! We did lots of touristy things and enjoyed hanging out with family just before Christmas!

In between all this we have managed to, enjoy bonfire night, take some beautiful walks, have our first Christmas together, go to Norwich for the weekend, throw a fundraiser for Forever Angels, and spend as much time as possible with our nephew and his parents!

Needless to say things have been busy! We are looking forward to lots of adventures in 2014 and hope the same for all of you.

More to come in the new year…



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Charity Status….Check….First Fundraising campaign….Underway

Christmas Love

Christmas Love

IMG_8323Can you believe it is time to start thinking about Christmas!?! I know I can’t! But Christmas came a little early for Forever Angels USA! Emma and I (and a whole host of other very dedicated people) have been working for nearly 2 years to be able to say that Forever Angels Baby Home has charity status in the USA! And just last week we got the email.IMG_6781

So what did we do…we kicked off a fundraising campaign! One of our board members, Ciara, was the brains and motivation behind this campaign and we are so grateful for her.

We are crowd funding. Our goal is to raise enough money to buy every child that attends our annual Christmas Dinner a present to take home with them. For most of these children, it will be the only gift they get this Christmas, for all of them, it will be the only gift they receive throughout the entire year. The baby home hosts a Christmas party for all the children who have gone to their biological families, the staff and their families, and of course all the children in the care of the baby home. Without a doubt this will be the best meal any of them eat all year.

IMG_6862 - Version 2Our goal is to raise $4000…but really want to raise so much more. And to sweeten the deal, when you give a gift, you get a gift, based on your level of donation!

So PLEASE, click on this link, donate, and then share on email, FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, google +, your personal blog, anything really…as often as possible, to as many people as possible, together let’s make this thing HUGE!

And now that we have charity status, we want to get everyone we know sponsoring a baby at Forever Angels Baby Home, even $15 a month would make a huge difference in the life of these children.

We also have beautiful calendars for sale, limited edition Christmas ornaments, and opportunities to buy a “gift of life” for your loved ones this holiday season.

IMG_8323Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping this place that is truly the best place on earth.

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So far so good…but a whole other world!

The front of the Harley Street Clinic, my new hospital.

The front of the Harley Street Clinic, my new hospital.

It’s official, I am back in the working world! As of last Friday, I am earning some money and getting back into nursing, well a little nursing, still waiting for that silly little number to be processed so I can actually have responsibility and duties all my own. Wait, do I really want that?!?

My current uniform, it will change to dark purple top when I am a RN

My current uniform, it will change to dark purple top when I am a RN


walking to work in the morning, before Oxford street wakes up!

walking to work in the morning, before Oxford street wakes up!

I get to work a bit differently these days, gone are the days of walking thru the dark park alone with a steak knife in my bag and ever alert senses! Now I walk 3 minutes to a tube stop, take 3 different tubes, then walk thru Oxford Street (one of the busiest places for tourists, especially in the evening! but very peaceful in the morning) and then I am there! It takes about 40 min, so not too bad considering most of the nurses commute an hour at least…big shout out to the wife here for finding us a house in the perfect location.

View out the window...a bit like Mary Poppins

View out the window…a bit like Mary Poppins


Now on to the work stuff….it is a bit like starting completely over! Those of you that are nurses on 7 Long have NO IDEA how good you have it, I didn’t when I was there! Everything is done by hand and by the nurses, and I mean everything! The pharmacy makes up the actual chemo, but that is about it! Nurses dilute and mix up every IV infusion, medication, pain med infusions…everything! And because pharmacy isn’t doing all of that, it is necessary to have two nurses check every single medication that is given. Just a small example of how I will be starting completely over! I am up for the challenge though 🙂 Because I am working at a private hospital (and they have free NHS health care in the UK) most (99%) of all patients are foreign. They come from everywhere, even the US! But most are from Russia, Greece, and UAE. I am grateful for my lack of language skills, well not really, but over the years I have figured out how to communicate via body language and gestures, I think it is really going to help me out here! Everything is paper charted, which is a serious flash back to when I first became a nurse…have to get out the calculator on an hourly basis to total up my in’s and out’s!

That all being said, the nurses are great. They have been so helpful and welcoming and really want to learn some of the ways that things were done in the US, well at least on 7Long, and have me help them implement changes for the better. So Lisa Tsang, if you are reading this, you may get an email or two from me…. you always wanted to work internationally right!?!

I think one of hardest things though will be getting use to the “lingo”



RoapMap=Flow Chart


Bowel Movement= Opening their bowels

Attending doctor=Consultant

And a WHOLE host of different brand names for all the medications! And lots of medications we don’t use in the USA or meds that we do use, that they don’t use…I think these areas are where the learning curve will be the greatest!

Play space for the kids

Play space for the kids


Overall, these differences are small, huge for now, but I will learn this new and different way of doing things. The one thing that is the same is that I am in the environment I love. There will be things I find strange, and they find strange that I do, but ultimately, I get to do the job I am meant to do. When this process started, I didn’t think I would even get to care for kids, let alone pedi BMT and Oncology.

Yesterday I admitted a teenager who was going to receive his first ever chemo. It felt great to be back in that teaching and supportive role that I love. His cousin brought him a shirt that said “FUCK CANCER”. I guess it doesn’t matter what country you are from, everyone has the same thoughts towards cancer.

I left work yesterday with a smile on my face and a pep in my step. I am so happy to be back in the game!

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It’s time to get back to work

I honestly do not know where the time disappears to these days. The last 4 1/2 weeks have flown by.

But don’t be mistaken, my right arm did not think that at all! I finally finished the last step of the RN license switch over, and it included filling out a 207 page work book, by hand! The end of the course culminated with a test which I happily passed and now it is just a waiting game (again!) to get my PIN number and then I get to start doing what I do again. Starting tomorrow though, I will be a nurses assistant to get familiar with the commute, the unit, and just how things work here in the UK! I had a course today for work and I will be the first to admit, it is going to be a bit challenging figuring out not only what they call different drugs here, but what abbreviations they use! It will be interesting and entertaining I am sure!

Aside from all that nursing stuff, we have been busy getting our house fixed up, furnished and almost done with the painting! We still have one wall to do, but it isn’t quite dry yet! I promise once everything is finished we will post some photos!

We have already had our first visitors though, despite the walls not being painted! My dad and his girlfriend came for a weekend and we had a great time being tourists around London.

But most excitedly, Emma’s sister had a baby! He is now two weeks old and we have loved having them so close!



I am enjoying spending time getting lost in the city, finding my way around and just being at home with my wife!

Looking forward to what the next couple of weeks will bring with work starting!

Promise to put up photos of the pad soon!

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It was time to say a BIG goodbye and an EXCITING hello

The last week, I should say 7 months, have flown by. I feel like it was just yesterday I was packing my bags in SF, getting ready to embark on a great adventure. And embark I did. I had the most incredible 7 months. The time in Tanzania felt like it happened in a blink of an eye, and at the same time, felt like I was there always! There are two pictures here of Peter, he came as a premature baby just after I got there, and by the time I left, he was a chubby baby eating solid foods, rolling over, and babbling! Time there really does mess with your head! Thank you Amy and everyone at Forever Angels Baby Home for making it such an incredible experience for me 🙂


And now I get to start the next great adventure, and this time it is WITH Emma! She worked tirelessly around the clock and managed to score an amazing flat for us in Chiswick (west London). We (I say we, but really Em did all the moving!) were able to move in only a week or so before I returned from Tanzania and have been busy painting, well Emma has been painting and I have been doing the taping, turns out I am not the best painter, but a damn good taper! Buying furniture on ebay, which is very stressful for someone like me, but fun. And getting the house in order for our first overnight guest that is coming on Tuesday!

There have been plenty of bumps along the road, one being that our sofa doesn’t fit thru the front door, so this saturday we have a man coming over to take our entire front sash window off to fit the sofa thru…then we can finally sit on something! We also had to have some of the walls re-plastered, they take 3-4 weeks to dry, so we are living in a half painted house! Had to buy a new fridge-freezer as the one that came with the house randomly turned on and off… But overall it has been a grand experience and one we will look back and giggle at in the hopefully near future!

No photos yet…but I promise, once it is all painted and furnished we will show off our handiwork and our perfect for us flat!

I have also started the FINAL portion of becoming a licensed UK RN…The NMC really does everything in its power to weed out all the people that are not 100% dedicated! This “course” consists of handwriting a 205 page workbook! Yikes, my fingers are getting blisters from the pen, I haven’t written this much in 15 years! But, on Oct 10th, it will be finished! Woo Hoo! Then I can hopefully be a nurse in a month or so after that!

Well, on that note, I have to go fill in some pages and get to taping!


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A busy couple weeks!

I can’t believe it has been almost three weeks since my last post! Things have been BUSY! Emma came to visit for 10 days and we went away with Amy’s family for a weekend and sat in the sun 🙂

Mwajuma has been getting her treatment, and all you oncology nurses out there, check out the photos of how her chemo comes…her mom bought this from a pharmacy!

And the baby home turned 7! We are working hard on fundraising right now as the baby home does such amazing work with babies, children, and outreach families that our working budget is surpassing our income! So if you would like to become a monthly sponsor for one of these beautiful children, just make a comment and I will get in touch with you! 98% of all donations go directly to the care of the children! Pretty incredible statistics if you ask me.

I only have two weeks left in Mwanza and then it is off to the UK to start the next adventure! We are hours away from being 100% official homeowners! Em has worked SO hard and been so frustrated and patient over the last 12 weeks ensuring that this house could be ours! The flat is in London and we are very excited to explore our neighborhood and the whole city!




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The 60’s are back, right?!

On a lighter note from the last post….

We have been doing a bit of Tie-Dye at the baby home! The older kids made some shirts for the babies, and they are looking quite cute in them!


And even more exciting…Em has a ticket booked to come to Mwanza on the 14th of August! YAY!!!!



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Thank you

Mwajuma's mother Cha Cha says a HUGE THANK YOU! To everyone who has contributed to her daughter's treatment

Mwajuma’s mother Cha Cha says a HUGE THANK YOU! To everyone who has contributed to her daughter’s treatment

In just two days over $1000 dollars have been raised to pay for Mwajuma’s chemotherapy. The extra money that has been raised will go towards medications to help with the side effect and nutritious food to help her thru her treatment.

Thank you so much to everyone who donated, spread the word, and sent some good thoughts out into the universe to her.

Cha Cha was speechless, grinning from ear to ear and had tears in her eyes when we told her the news today.

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Cancer in a developing world

I have said here before, and as many of you know, I am a pediatric oncology nurse. It is what I identify with, it is what I am good at, it is one of my passions in life.

It has followed me here.

Two months ago, one of the staff members at Forever Angels brought her daughter to see me. She had a large lump on the side of her neck that was painful to touch. She was tired. My first thought was Burkitt’s Lymphoma, then I thought, stop being an oncology nurse and think common. So I thought abscess. Then I remembered where I am. Tanzania has one of the highest rates of Burkitt’s Lymphoma in the world. The managers at the baby home and myself encouraged ChaCha to take her daughter to the hospital to be evaluated ASAP!

Mwajuma and her little sister Dotto. Mwajuma is currently suffering from Burkitt's Lymphoma and needs our help to get the treatment she deserves.

Mwajuma and her little sister Dotto. Mwajuma is currently suffering from Burkitt’s Lymphoma and needs our help to get the treatment she deserves.

I left for Thailand within days of seeing them. When I returned I learned that she does indeed have Burkitt’s Lymphoma.

The difference of treatment here vs home is astronomical. They have the chemo and the ability to treat, but none of the supportive care. She is even enrolled in a study being run by institutions in the US and UK that are studying Burkitt’s Lymphoma in Tanzania. But still, not one anti-nausea medication has been given to this girl, no one has instructed them about what to do if she has a fever, I am sure they have not even been informed what this cancer actually is. Side-effects. What side-effects? They were not told there would be any, so that means that nausea, fatigue, susceptibility to infection, decreased fertility/infertility, secondary malignancies….the list goes on and on…they don’t exist if you aren’t told about them right?!? All that being said, she does have the opportunity for treatment, and it does work, and it can work really well.

But here is the kicker. There is no health insurance in Tanzania. No children’s services that will help pay the hospital bill and cover home expenses so that her single mother can care for her. No support. And when your mother’s salary is only 200,000 TSh ($125) a month, it makes it a bit difficult to pay the hospital bills, feed your family, and pay school fees.

Total cost of her treatment, about $1000. So today I am asking you if you will help to pay for this girls treatment. Give her the chance at life that so many children with cancer around the world get by being born into a country with social services and insurance.

Just click here to make a donation, and in the comment section mention Mwajuma’s Treatment.  Thank you for your generosity and for helping this mother to provide for her child the treatment she deserves.

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Where has the time gone?!?

Can’t believe we have been in Thailand for over three weeks now! Only 5 days left. The time has gone so quickly.

I will admit I didn’t have any idea of what to expect when I arrived here. I have never been anywhere in Asia before this trip and didn’t know what it would be like. Thailand is an interesting country, it is changing from a developing nation rapidly becoming a developed one. You can find anything you want here in the fancy shopping malls of Bangkok from designer clothes to everyday wares that you could get anywhere in the UK or USA. Then you step into a mall called MBK and there are market type stalls that sell all the knock-offs and touristy things and you negotiate on the prices.

I don’t think that people here actually cook at home…there are SO many street vendors! In every block there are at least 3, and that is on the low end! The food is SO cheap too…and delicious!

We have spent the last two weeks up in the northern part of Thailand relaxing in the mountains, eating lots of yummy food, taking a cooking course, getting massages ($15 for 2 hours!), went to a cave, and of course more shopping! It was so beautiful to drive around the country side and see how people live in rural Thailand.

Driving here is quite the experience as well, and we have spent lots of time driving (12 hours to get up north and back). People use the shoulder of the highway as another lane, often times coming from the wrong direction! Mopeds weave in and out of traffic and on the shoulder as well! And then there are all the stalls along the side of the highway…fruit, spirit houses, fishing nets, hot food, salt, pretty much anything you could need for the area you are in, you can buy by just stopping on the side of the highway!

I will just let the photos do the talking! Overall it has been an amazing holiday. Great to get to be together and to hang out with Em’s parents, getting to know them a bit better! A wonderful holiday, thank you Eunice and Niel!


We also spent two nights in Kenya on the way to Thailand and went to an elephant orphanage there! It was amazing to see the elephants so close, we even got to touch them!

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